As you may know...I love wool........I like to knit it, crochet it, dry felt it, wet felt it....and applique it.....
I had to share with the rest of the wool lovers out there this great book my niece Monica gave me.....I just started reading it last night and it is hilarious as well as very informative.......
It's about two women that care for sheep and all the trials and tribulations.....I highly recommend it!!!!!!!!!!
here's some wool as it is from the has to be washed, carded...dyed......
It comes in many different are some gorgeous locks......great for texture......
Some great roving too.....and of course wool fabric dyed in beautiful colors for applique....
I have made many projects with wool fabric,,here are some of my projects designed by Sue Spargo.....
Flowerbed was a lovely pattern to make..............
And another design by Sue that we worked on at her home......
Well....I hope if you are a wool lover too you will read this great book!
Sheepish by Catherine Friend....