This weekend I spent it with old and new friends at a retreat in Coolville,Ohio. It was my second stay and we had new friends as well as old friends gather for quilting, designing, and just have fun.
I was able to work on my second design a little bit and gather more ideas.
My rooster is coming along....spent a lot of time figuring out the color and position of each feather....I am pretty happy with it so far....
this is the sewing room....Many creative friends doing all sorts of projects....
Isn't it gorgeous!
Lesa worked on this fantastic quilt!
my friend Lori also came for the first time...I was glad they all had a great time and can't wait for the next retreat!
I also met Sandy and Carol who were also wonderful new friends!
Thanks to Wanda for all the work she did to make this retreat another unforgettable time!